Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 5: Hey! Wanna Learn Another Language for Free? Try Transparent Language & Pimsleur's

Transparent Language online is a powerful language learning resource offering instruction in more than 80 languages plus English. Learn basic language skills or dive into more extensive language instruction all at your own pace. Transparent Language Online uses multimedia activities that instruct all four language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as social media resources to meet the needs of any learner. It includes beginner English courses for speakers of other languages and an immersion course for intermediate level English learners.  The free companion mobile applications for Apple & Android Devices allow you to take your language learning on-the-go.

Exercise:  Go to Transparent Language and create an account.  Log in.  From the drop down menu at the middle top, how many forms of Japanese can you learn from this database? 

OneClickDigital –  Pimsleur's foreign language e-Book titles.

Dr. Pimsleur's Method® has been trusted for 50 Years by U.S. government agencies, diplomats, corporations, and anyone who wants or needs to learn to speak a language quickly and effectively. Everything about the Pimsleur Method has improved with age, making it the most reliable way to learn a language.  Our e-Books of Pimsleur’s titles are located in our OneClickDigital database.  Here is a video explaining how to download e-Audiobooks from OneClickDigital.

Exercise:  Go to OneClickDigital and register (You need a computer that can connect to the internet.)  Create an account.  Log in.  Now search for e-Audiobooks about learning Spanish.  How many titles can you find?


  1. found two forms of japenese on transparent.
    found 8 different spanish in onclick.

  2. Japanese 2;Spanish 7 (not counting English for Spanish Speakers

  3. Piedmont Branch
    1. there are two Japanese langues
    2. there are seven spanish speaking/ learning books.

  4. Two types of Japanese languages and seven Spanish on onclick

  5. I found 2 Japanese languages on Transparent Language. I found 7 Spanish learning books on One Click, but only 5 of them are Pimsleur's.

  6. Japanese or Japanese Transliterated=2.
    (I tried out learning Irish- fun!)
    8 titles for learning Spanish- some being titles in two or more parts.

  7. I found Japanese and Japanese transliterated on Transparent Language.

    In OneClick Digital I found 5 Pimsleur books for learning Spanish and 2 Living Language titles.

  8. Sorry to comment so late, I'm just catching up. Just like everyone else, I found 2 Japanese languages on Transparent Language but, oddly, I only found the 5 Pimsleur books on OneClick Digital. The Living Language titles that other people mentioned did not show up. I would love to know how to find those. I searched "Spanish" and also "Living Language." Any hints to offer?

  9. Thevaki
    2 forms of Japanese
    7 Spanish learning books
