Q. What are the goals for this training? 
A. The goals are to: engage all staff with our digital branch; and empower you to provide the best possible customer service for patrons around these resources!  

Q. How does this blog-based training work?
A. This is a self-discovery program to encourage you to take control of your own learning, and to utilize your lifelong learning skills through exploration and play. We will also have AMAZING PRIZES you can win for completing each exercise, and you'll get FIVE extra raffle entries for completing all ten weeks' worth of exercises.

Here's the process:
1. Each week, we'll feature a different resource, and there will be a new post. You can sign up for email or RSS notifications to get a reminder/alert, too - just use the links at the bottom of the posts. 
2. Read the post and the exercises.
3. Follow the instructions, do the exercises, then post a comment with your name and unit/branch to answer the questions.
4. Feel free to share your thoughts about the resource, including any features you wish it had - anything!
5. Submit your raffle entry for each week - visit the various prize pack pages, and bid on a prize by leaving a comment with your name and the week you completed the exercise (e.g. “Forest Cho, Week 2") in the comments section.  

Q. What's the weekly schedule? 
A. Here's the outline for the 10 weeks.

Q. Who donated these wonderful prizes?
A. Various staff have contributed prizes. You can still donate, too - just send the goods to Mana Tominaga at Main.

So far, Jamie Turbak, Andrew Demcak, Sharon McKellar, Sara DuBois, Winifred Walters, Tamar Kirschner, Jenera Burton, Ramona Chacon, and Mana Tominaga have all donated prizes.

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